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My Story

For as long as I can remember I have always had a natural attraction to healing of the body.  My memory for things that have to do with healing was something I could call on and rely on all the time.  Then I found myself suffering neck and shoulder issues since my late teens.  I tried most therapies, but nothing seemed to stick, as I would find myself in the same painful situation every 3-4 months, but unfortunately as I was getting older each flare up would get progressively worse, to the point of dizziness and then sometimes feeling pain in my hip or leg on one side.


A friend suggested Bowen Therapy to me when I was complaining that I felt like I needed a whole-body treatment.  So, I tried it and have never looked back.  My therapist is truly amazing, she is my mentor and my saviour.  She fixed me like no one has ever been able to before and within 3 sessions.    I now see her if I re-injure myself or just need a top up.  It has profoundly changed my life. 


I love Bowen Therapy and everything it stands for.  For me personally it is the whole-body approach that makes so much sense, when you are in pain your whole body suffers, you favour one side to protect the painful side, your whole body will tense when you feel the pain and it can be incredibly stressful, therefore the whole body is effected so the whole body should be treated.  Bowen Therapy will balance you, relax you and treat you.  It is a great experience.


One day, laying on the therapists table, she told me the sad news that her and her husband are moving away, and it hit me “I need to do this, I want to do this, I will become a Bowen Therapist and help people just as she has helped me”.  This is the sole reason I am now a Bowen Therapist.  I believe in it so much that I feel I want to help others, just as my therapist has helped me.  So here we are, I have my own clinic, I have experienced wonderful results with my client’s, and I enjoy every moment of it.  I have found my passion.

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My Approach

It is very important for me and for a Bowen Therapy treatment that the client is completely comfortable, if the body is relaxed it will receive the treatment better and can therefore make it more effective.  I place a great importance on this as I like my clients to be as comfortable as they can.

I practice Bowen Therapy the original and professionally trained Bowtech way, Bowtech is the original Bowen technique, which includes short breaks between each set of moves.  This allows the body to accept and process the moves before rushing in and overloading the body with the next set of moves.   It is also great at helping the body relax.  Some clients report tingling and or can feel certain areas being effected/released.

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